Medical Questions in Moving to the Field

This is not a forum for giving medical advice. For medical advice, always ask your doctor and rely on his/her advice. Sometimes a little practical help is needed. InterMission offers here a few practical suggestions for those who have not traveled much.

Places that give international vaccinations will likely issue an International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis from the World Health Organization. This is a standard yellow form recognized by governments around the world. It is very helpful for the missionary to make sure that all immunizations for them and their children are entered on this card. Many US doctors will just give you a piece of paper as a record. Eventually these pieces of paper get lost. As a world traveler, YOU are now in charge of all of your medical records. We suggest you have a notebook or folder for each person and keep all important health records in it. Carry your Yellow Health card with you and request that all immunizations be recorded. Having everything in one place will simplify your health care. You will be asked for those dates and immunizations for the rest of your life. Schools will require them for your children.

Information on recommendations for traveling to any country can be found from the Center for Disease Control,