What is InterMission?
Cherry & Clay Hart,
Nancy & Kent Hartman
joined in 2006
Three families banded together in 2006 to found a ministry that we pray will continue to expand through the hearts and lives of missionaries around the world. In 2012 another couple became a permanent part of the team. We are dedicated to helping fellow missionary families and invite others to join us. InterMission is committed to giving ourselves to the task of equipping, encouraging, preparing, and appreciating those who are at various stages in their own ministry endeavors.
The ministry is called InterMission because the term itself is so rich in meaning. The name describes people on mission who are interacting with one another. The term intermission in the context of a drama production refers to a break in the action. Between acts both audience and performers remove themselves from directly engaging in the drama for a period of time. Actors may spend this time resting as well as preparing for the next act. Members of the audience may use the break for refreshment and to process what they have witnessed up to that point. This time may also be used to think about, and perhaps even discuss what might come next.
joined in 2012
From our perspective, an InterMission is a time for missionaries and their families to take a step out of the routine day to day action, and spend some highly impactful time with fellow missionaries who offer themselves, their resources, hearts and souls, for mutual edification and refreshing. This brief time away from the action can be useful for processing the past, evaluating and celebrating what God has done in our lives up to the present, and preparing for challenges yet to come.
InterMission speaks of the interrelatedness that all missionaries share. It hints that although mission efforts may undergo transition, and areas of focus and locations may change, the missionary’s heart is forever ablaze with the flame of God’s mission.
Our prayer is that participants will come to every InterMission with expectant hearts, anticipating not only to receive refreshment and encouragement from others, but also to give for the benefit of all.
We would love to talk to you. Please contact us.
InterMission's Supporting Congregations
Requirements for Qualification
Core Team
Beth Reese
BS, MS in Family Studies
Specializing in missionary families and congregational missionary care
Missionary in Zimbabwe 1976-78, 2004-5
Missionary in South Africa 1978-1991
Missionary Care Coordinator Westover Hills Church of Christ 2003 -2011
Cherry Hart
BA, MA in Licensed Professional Counseling
Specializing in missionary and TCK emotional well-being
Missionary in South Africa for 18 years.
Presently working with TCKs in Edmond, OK
Clay Hart
BA, Biblical Greek; MA, Biblical Studies; Ed. S. Higher Education Leadership
Specializing in re-entry and worship
Missionary in South Africa 1985-2003
Presently serving as International Minister at Memorial Road Church of Christ
Edward Short
BA, MA in Theology
Certificate & Specialization in Mandarin Chinese
Missionary in Taiwan 1967-1983
Writer and producer of Chinese language programs for World Christian Broadcasting from 1985-2018.
John Reese
BA, M.Ed in Bible Education
Specializing in spiritual training and missionary families
Reared in Zimbabwe as a Third Culture Kid
Missionary in Zimbabwe 1976-78, 2004-2005
Missionary in South Africa 1978-1991
Currently serves with World Bible School 1991-present
Kent Hartman
BS Religious Education
Masters degree in theology, Ministry
Work with TCKs, missionary families, personal finance.
Missions in Australia 1983-2000
Missionary-in-residence at Oklahoma Christian from 2002 to present.
Lewis Short
BA French
Master of Divinity
Reared in Taiwan as a missionary kid
Missionary in Italy 1995-2011
Missionary in Tanzania 2014-2019
Currently on board of Tanzania Christian Services
Nancy Hartman
BA (with missions minor) from Oklahoma Christian University
Missionary to Australia 18 years
Presently TCK Advocate/Advisor at Oklahoma Christian University
Sharon Short
BA, MS in Educational Psychology
Special certificate in Teaching English as a Second Language
Missionary in Taiwan 1967-1983
Elementary ESL teacher 1985-2003
Tammy Short
BSN in Nursing, Registered Nurse
Reared in South Africa as a missionary kid
Missionary in Italy 2000-2011
Missionary in Tanzania 2014-2019
Currently supervising Tanzania students in higher education